It all started with some jams, many YT channels host lots of nice "guitar backing tracks" (rock, blues, funky, ...METAL off course!). At one point I landed on some "synthwave playlist", not intended as backing tracks, just a playlist for listening. But since the tracks had few if any "lead" lines, it was straightforward for me to play on them. So I continued to pick these playlists and enjoy improvising with the guitar on retrowave, synthwave, etc..., meanwhile experimenting with my sound (playing through some very versatile Neural DSP guitar plugins).

At one point I had enough "audio-notes" and "recurring-improvvisations" (which are no more improvvistaion, though) to think that those ideas could also turn into real songs!

But wait... there was a problem. That stuff "existed" on already published material from other artists. So I made some experiments: write new original material from scratch to replace the "background", turning my compositions in original music, probably I had material for3 or 4 songs (*). The thing worked, but my skills in keys/synths/piano harmony composition and arrangement are by a large amount not enough to rended  reasonable results! So I asked my dear long-time friend of mine Joseph Moore, who is very good at piano and music theory, to work with me on this material.

In a while we had much more material than initially available (*) and the chance publish, say, not just a single as Alex Kult but an LP as a band became real.

And here it is: STAR PRIME. 


Alex Kult: guitars, programming

Joseph Moore: keys/synths, programming


Space Avenues (Synthwave Rock, LP, mid 2024)

STAR PRIME is the new mouthful, evocative and guitar-loaded Synthwave Rock experience presented by Ramen Fury Studios.  In 2024 (mid) Space Avenues will be released.


01 Cyber Sunset

02 Miami Ice

03 Neon Dreams

04 Starman

05 Summer Road

06 Silent Bay 

07 Skyline

08 Night Drive